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Sunday, November 8, 2015

October 2015 Booster Club Meeting - minutes

McNeil Swimming & Diving Booster Club
Date of Meeting: (10-05-15)
Meeting Time: 6pm
·        President-Beth Gavin
·        Vice President-Liz Sullivan
·        Treasurer-Annette Bogusch
·        Secretary-Danita Beier
·        Attendees: Coach Foss, Beth Gavin, Liz Sullivan, Annette Bogusch, Danita Beier, Janet Harris, Michelle Harris, Nancy Seifert, Joy Hancock, Debbie Hess, John Katzman.
Announcements & Discussion
·        Coach Foss reminding swimmers to turn in money for Swim-A-Thon. We need the funds for the bus trip.
·        Leander Tri Meet coming up and we need Officials and Timers.
·        Stony Point Meet we will need Officials, Starters and the starter system is in question, we may borrow a starter system.
·        Stony Point Meet will start at 5PM
·        Mighty Fine dinner was great success, PARENTS! this is a gathering for you as well!
·        A lunch place will be planned for Saturday at the Leander Meet.
·        RR Invitational Meet, we will need meals.
·        October 18th 11-4pm, Team Building for the kids at school. More to come.
·        Big Fall meets we talked about RR Invitational and AISD 4 per event. Aggieland has some limitations on who can enter. TISCA has qualifications, no more then 5 for each event and 2 relays.
·        Temple meet is the fun meet, swimmers dress up and have a good time.
·        Team Photo, still working on the time.
·        TISCA Hotel is done for the kids. Ms. Gavin is working on a block of rooms for parents.
·        Officials available: Gavin, Quinn, Nelson, OH, Harris, Sullivan, and Hammock.
Meeting Adjourned
  • 6:38pm
  • Next Meeting:    Please join us!
Ø  Date:11/2/15

Location: - B113 (Coach Foss's room).

November 2015 Booster Club Meeting minutes

McNeil Swimming & Diving Booster Club
Date of Meeting: (11-02-15)
Meeting Time: 6pm
·        President-Beth Gavin
·        Vice President-Liz Sullivan
·        Treasurer-Annette Bogusch
·        Secretary-Danita Beier
·        Attendees: Coach Foss, Coach Kerry Carter, Beth Gavin, Liz Sullivan, Annette Bogusch, Danita Beier, Michelle Harris, Joy Hancock, Debbie Hess, John Katzman, Cindy Katzman, Manuel Ruiz, Amy Vaugh, and Guerry Harris.
  • Announcements & Discussion
·        Coach Kerry Carter has been with the team for 3 weeks now and very excited about being with the amazing swimmers.
·        Swimmers did turned in money for Swim-A-Thon.
·        Leander Tri Meet coming up and we need Officials and Timers.
·        Friday, Nov. 6th., AISD Invitational at UT Swim Center.
·        Friday, Nov 11th., Aggieland Invitational @ Texas A&M Swim Center. Yellow Bus for this trip.
·        Friday and Saturday, Nov. 20 & 21st., Coastal Bend TISCA Meet @ Corpus Christi Natatorium.
·        TISCA Hotel is done for the kids. Ms. Gavin has rooms blocked for parents.
·        Foss will go over behavior when out of town with the swimmers. Absolutely no boyfriend girlfriend during time away.
·        Lunch will be delivered to the swimmers at TISCA. Go out for dinner.
·        Foss is checking grades this week, please complete all projects, homework, and exams.
·        Officials available: Gavin, Quinn, Nelson, OH, Harris, Sullivan, and Hammock.
·        We do have strick training during the winter break.  Any question please contact Coach Foss.
·         CHAMPIONSHIPS!!!!     District and Regional are a week apart.
·         1/29 & 1/30 - UIL DISTRICT MEET @ UT Swim Center
·         2/5 & 2/6 - UIL REGIONAL MEET @ The Woodlands Natatotrium
·         2/19 & 2/20 - UIL STATE MEET @ UT Swim Center
·        Request Sign up for Breakfast during winter break.
·        Yard Sign requests.
Meeting Adjourned
  • 6:30pm
Next Meeting:
    Please join us!
Ø  Date: 12/7/2015

Location: - B113 (Coach Foss's room).

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

McNeil Swimming & Diving Booster Club Minutes - 9-14-15

McNeil Swimming & Diving Booster Club
Date of Meeting: (9-14-15)
Meeting Time: 6pm
·        President-Beth Gavin
·        Vice President-Liz Sullivan
·        Treasurer-Annette Bogusch
·        Secretary-Danita Beier
·        Attendees: Coach Foss,
Beth Gavin, Liz Sullivan, Annette Bogusch, Danita Beier, Veronica Shamblin, Manuel Ruiz, Harika Basera, Nancy Serfert, Any Vauglin, Michelle Harris, Guerry Harris, Joy Hancock, Debbie Hess, Janet Harris, Kim Gaycor, Rebecca Forbes, Carlos Garcia, Dianne Singleton Garcia, Joel Trunick, Ida Trunick.
Announcements & Discussion
·         Just for Fun (boat party) Sunday 9/13/15 Great Success!
·         Saturday Westwood & Anderson Tri Meet.
·         After upcoming meet on Sat.,  Food Coordinator-Veronica will make plans for Swim Team and families to meet and have lunch. Will email location.
·         Suggestions for monthly Team building event are being taken.
·         Talked about the Budget.
·         Coach Foss will send out an itinerary for Saturday's meet.
·         Lane Four is printing suits tomorrow.
·         Coach Foss will send out Swim-A-Thon letter.
·         Must do Snack Bag and Water for Meet.
·         Volunteer Sheets-Sign up program for parents to volunteer beverages and snack.
·         Get the Team In the Press
·         Reservations-Beth Gavin
·         Team Breakfast sign up in progress.
·         Yard Signs for new incoming swimmers.
·         Scrapbook Team on its way.
·         Danita will do pages for Boat Party. Send pictures to Danita Beier.
·         Debbie Hass will do tags.
·         Janet Harris is ScrapbookCoordinator
·         Dual Meet Timers, Announcer, Stroke Judge, Stats- Leander H.S. Sept. 23rd, South Texas Officials: 
Upcoming USA-S and UIL clinics.
·         Academic competition during the school year!
·         Talk about the calendar and how Coach Foss places students during the meet.
·         Coach Foss takes care of getting your student out of class when having to be off campus during the day.
·         Great turn out for this first meeting.
Meeting Adjourned
  • 7:15pm
  • Next Meeting:    Please join us!
    • Date:10/5/15

Location: - B113 (Coach Foss's room).

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

McNeil Swimming & Diving Booster Club Meeting April 25, 2015

@ Avery Ranch Golf Club

Financial review

Installation of 2015-2016 McNeil Swim and Dive Team Booster Club Executive Board

President-Beth Gavin
Vice-President-Liz Sullivan
Treasurer-Annette Bogusch
Secretary-Danita Beier

Meeting adjourned.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

McNeil Swimming & Diving Roster 2015-2016

Mighty Maverick Nation!!!  It was an honor to have so many fantastic individuals with such impressive talent show up interested in representing McNeil High School in this year's UIL competitive season.

Please understand that the selection process is extremely difficult and is one that is not taken lightly.  Everyone who showed up has obviously spent many years working on their craft of swimming.  If you happened to not have made the roster this year, I recommend you continue to swim with a local year round program and tryout again next year.  Thank you to everyone for their interest and congratulations to the 2015-2016 McNeil Varsity Swimming & Diving Team!!!


A. Gavin, C. Gibbs, G. Hailes, J. Harris, K. Jotwani, J. Oh, D. Quinn, J. Trunick, M. Wadehra, H. Weeks(manager)


N. Bogusch(diver), P. Chin, T. Do, S. McCloe, J. Nelson, N. Shomper, J. Sullivan, M. Youngman


C. Beier, A. Forbes, E. Garcia, E. Gibbs, Z. Matula, T. McMillian, A. Seifert, A. Shamblin, D. Sim, E. Vaughn(manager)


S. Anwar, D. Harris, K. Hess, D. Johnston, C. Katzman, A. Luo, K. Pasquino, V. Trunick, D. Ruiz

Also, please understand that if you have made the above roster that you are agreeing to a commitment of staying in shape and working hard for the next two months leading up to the start of school.  Failure to abide by this commitment could result in you forfeiting your position on the team.

All of the above athletes should be receiving an email about up-coming team business.  If you do not receive an email by the end of the week you should contact Coach Foss at .  Our first practice will not be until after the first day of school, but we have a LOT of business to take care of before even school starts.

Thanks again, and congratulations to this year's Swimming & Diving Team!  See you soon.

Coach Foss

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

2015-2016 McNeil Swimming & Diving Schedule

All dates are subject to change. Meet start times are approximated as of now.  Official start times will  be communicated once the meet information has been posted.  Click on the Meet Title to see Results.

FALL 2015
9/19 - Westwood & Anderson Tri Meet @ Anderson Mill Pool @ 8 AM (meet info)
9/24 - District XIII Invite @ Miki Krebsbach Pool @ 9 AM (meet info)
9/26 - Georgetown & East View Tri Meet @ Georgetown Rec Center @ 9 AM (meet info)
10/10 - Leander & Rouse Tri Meet @ Blockhouse Creek @ 9 AM (meet info)
10/15 - Stony Point Dual Meet @ Chasco YMCA @ 5 PM (CANCELLED)
10/31(rescheduled -weather) - Round Rock Invitational @ Krebsbach Pool @ 8:20 AM (meet info)
11/6 - AISD Invitational @ UT Swim Center @ 9 AM (meet info)
11/13 - Bob Stallings Aggieland Invitational @ Texas A&M Swim Center @ 9 AM (meet info)
11/20 & 11/21 - Coastal Bend TISCA Meet @ Corpus Christi Natatorium @ NOON (meet info)

1/9 - Winter Wildcat Invitational @ Temple HS Natatorium @ 9 AM (meet info) 

1/29 & 1/30 - UIL DISTRICT MEET @ UT Swim Center (meet info)
2/5 & 2/6 - UIL REGIONAL MEET @ The Woodlands Natatotrium
2/19 & 2/20 - UIL STATE MEET @ UT Swim Center

Friday, May 8, 2015

McNeil Booster Club a meeting Minutes, April 13, 2015.

Banquet - due on Thursday
All is in order.

Scrapbooks are done and will be in before the banquet.

Water Polo-

Could potentially have money left over.
Discussion as to what to do in that case.
Give it back. 
Buy ball bags and needed equipment.
Have a team breakfast.
Save a little of it, so fees will be less next year.
Travel fees.

More information is coming.

There are 20 girls, 10 boys, possibly 14 with soccer boys.

Waco 4/18, 2:45, 4:15, location-See email.
Regionals 4/24-25, UT
State 5/2, UT

Breakfast for Water Polo Regionals April 21st.

Water bottles needed for the remaining games.

Backstroke flags needed for pool. An expense for next year, over the summer.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

The Rhythm of Everlasting Glory

High times, low times, we have so much time,
To get to the end, it will be long, we will be just fine.
Head down, breathe in, don't look around,
Keep up the pace, keep up the rhythm, pick up the sound.
Arms flailing, feet beating, breath exhaled, all rhythmically.

Morning comes, hardships persist, morning ends,
Every day this happens all over again.
New day, new challenge, new weaknesses found,
Every day you want to complain, but don't make a sound.
Will comes easy, will comes hard, will comes at dawn.

The course is a battlefield, waters all around,
Blood comes in different forms: sweat and tears trickle down .
Cheers like gunfire, whistles are the battle call,
Rain, rain, pours down, upon the field of brawl.
Get down, stay down, see the tears ebb.

Counting medals, counting stars, counting what falls,
Down the ranks, up with glory, the barracks call.
Win some, lose some, never fail by Diem,
Get back up off the floor and stick with the team.
One event can change your life, change it for yourself.

Megan Kalina

Thursday, April 23, 2015

McNeil Mavericks Booster Club Minutes-03/09/2015

Financial Report- Jen Gluff, Foss.
Banquet-April 23, Avery Ranch Country Club, 6-9PM
Chicken Fajitas with veggies
Photo Opportunity area
2015-2016 year’s Board-Elect
President-Beth Gavin
VP- Liz Sullivan
Treasurer-Annette Bogusch
Secretary-Danita Beier
Mindy Lewis Recognition-In honor of the work she does, even though her kids have all graduated, we, collectively, as a District, and locally, as a team, have donated to a gift card for Mindy.
Janet Harris needs scrapbook pages before spring break. SENIORS. DID YOU GET THAT?
Water Polo- Tryouts likely after Spring Break. Pools were discussed since Rattan Creek is under repair.
Possibly Wells Branch pool as it is deep enough.
Costs-Suits, t-shirts, Tournament costs to be divided amongst team members.
Meeting this week about Water Polo. Check date/time.
Tryouts are open to all athletes/students at McNeil.