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MEET RESULTS!!! - Click on "Schedules" under Labels and then click on the Meet

Friday, May 8, 2015

McNeil Booster Club a meeting Minutes, April 13, 2015.

Banquet - due on Thursday
All is in order.

Scrapbooks are done and will be in before the banquet.

Water Polo-

Could potentially have money left over.
Discussion as to what to do in that case.
Give it back. 
Buy ball bags and needed equipment.
Have a team breakfast.
Save a little of it, so fees will be less next year.
Travel fees.

More information is coming.

There are 20 girls, 10 boys, possibly 14 with soccer boys.

Waco 4/18, 2:45, 4:15, location-See email.
Regionals 4/24-25, UT
State 5/2, UT

Breakfast for Water Polo Regionals April 21st.

Water bottles needed for the remaining games.

Backstroke flags needed for pool. An expense for next year, over the summer.