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Tuesday, September 15, 2015

McNeil Swimming & Diving Booster Club Minutes - 9-14-15

McNeil Swimming & Diving Booster Club
Date of Meeting: (9-14-15)
Meeting Time: 6pm
·        President-Beth Gavin
·        Vice President-Liz Sullivan
·        Treasurer-Annette Bogusch
·        Secretary-Danita Beier
·        Attendees: Coach Foss,
Beth Gavin, Liz Sullivan, Annette Bogusch, Danita Beier, Veronica Shamblin, Manuel Ruiz, Harika Basera, Nancy Serfert, Any Vauglin, Michelle Harris, Guerry Harris, Joy Hancock, Debbie Hess, Janet Harris, Kim Gaycor, Rebecca Forbes, Carlos Garcia, Dianne Singleton Garcia, Joel Trunick, Ida Trunick.
Announcements & Discussion
·         Just for Fun (boat party) Sunday 9/13/15 Great Success!
·         Saturday Westwood & Anderson Tri Meet.
·         After upcoming meet on Sat.,  Food Coordinator-Veronica will make plans for Swim Team and families to meet and have lunch. Will email location.
·         Suggestions for monthly Team building event are being taken.
·         Talked about the Budget.
·         Coach Foss will send out an itinerary for Saturday's meet.
·         Lane Four is printing suits tomorrow.
·         Coach Foss will send out Swim-A-Thon letter.
·         Must do Snack Bag and Water for Meet.
·         Volunteer Sheets-Sign up program for parents to volunteer beverages and snack.
·         Get the Team In the Press
·         Reservations-Beth Gavin
·         Team Breakfast sign up in progress.
·         Yard Signs for new incoming swimmers.
·         Scrapbook Team on its way.
·         Danita will do pages for Boat Party. Send pictures to Danita Beier.
·         Debbie Hass will do tags.
·         Janet Harris is ScrapbookCoordinator
·         Dual Meet Timers, Announcer, Stroke Judge, Stats- Leander H.S. Sept. 23rd, South Texas Officials: 
Upcoming USA-S and UIL clinics.
·         Academic competition during the school year!
·         Talk about the calendar and how Coach Foss places students during the meet.
·         Coach Foss takes care of getting your student out of class when having to be off campus during the day.
·         Great turn out for this first meeting.
Meeting Adjourned
  • 7:15pm
  • Next Meeting:    Please join us!
    • Date:10/5/15

Location: - B113 (Coach Foss's room).