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Sunday, November 8, 2015

October 2015 Booster Club Meeting - minutes

McNeil Swimming & Diving Booster Club
Date of Meeting: (10-05-15)
Meeting Time: 6pm
·        President-Beth Gavin
·        Vice President-Liz Sullivan
·        Treasurer-Annette Bogusch
·        Secretary-Danita Beier
·        Attendees: Coach Foss, Beth Gavin, Liz Sullivan, Annette Bogusch, Danita Beier, Janet Harris, Michelle Harris, Nancy Seifert, Joy Hancock, Debbie Hess, John Katzman.
Announcements & Discussion
·        Coach Foss reminding swimmers to turn in money for Swim-A-Thon. We need the funds for the bus trip.
·        Leander Tri Meet coming up and we need Officials and Timers.
·        Stony Point Meet we will need Officials, Starters and the starter system is in question, we may borrow a starter system.
·        Stony Point Meet will start at 5PM
·        Mighty Fine dinner was great success, PARENTS! this is a gathering for you as well!
·        A lunch place will be planned for Saturday at the Leander Meet.
·        RR Invitational Meet, we will need meals.
·        October 18th 11-4pm, Team Building for the kids at school. More to come.
·        Big Fall meets we talked about RR Invitational and AISD 4 per event. Aggieland has some limitations on who can enter. TISCA has qualifications, no more then 5 for each event and 2 relays.
·        Temple meet is the fun meet, swimmers dress up and have a good time.
·        Team Photo, still working on the time.
·        TISCA Hotel is done for the kids. Ms. Gavin is working on a block of rooms for parents.
·        Officials available: Gavin, Quinn, Nelson, OH, Harris, Sullivan, and Hammock.
Meeting Adjourned
  • 6:38pm
  • Next Meeting:    Please join us!
Ø  Date:11/2/15

Location: - B113 (Coach Foss's room).

November 2015 Booster Club Meeting minutes

McNeil Swimming & Diving Booster Club
Date of Meeting: (11-02-15)
Meeting Time: 6pm
·        President-Beth Gavin
·        Vice President-Liz Sullivan
·        Treasurer-Annette Bogusch
·        Secretary-Danita Beier
·        Attendees: Coach Foss, Coach Kerry Carter, Beth Gavin, Liz Sullivan, Annette Bogusch, Danita Beier, Michelle Harris, Joy Hancock, Debbie Hess, John Katzman, Cindy Katzman, Manuel Ruiz, Amy Vaugh, and Guerry Harris.
  • Announcements & Discussion
·        Coach Kerry Carter has been with the team for 3 weeks now and very excited about being with the amazing swimmers.
·        Swimmers did turned in money for Swim-A-Thon.
·        Leander Tri Meet coming up and we need Officials and Timers.
·        Friday, Nov. 6th., AISD Invitational at UT Swim Center.
·        Friday, Nov 11th., Aggieland Invitational @ Texas A&M Swim Center. Yellow Bus for this trip.
·        Friday and Saturday, Nov. 20 & 21st., Coastal Bend TISCA Meet @ Corpus Christi Natatorium.
·        TISCA Hotel is done for the kids. Ms. Gavin has rooms blocked for parents.
·        Foss will go over behavior when out of town with the swimmers. Absolutely no boyfriend girlfriend during time away.
·        Lunch will be delivered to the swimmers at TISCA. Go out for dinner.
·        Foss is checking grades this week, please complete all projects, homework, and exams.
·        Officials available: Gavin, Quinn, Nelson, OH, Harris, Sullivan, and Hammock.
·        We do have strick training during the winter break.  Any question please contact Coach Foss.
·         CHAMPIONSHIPS!!!!     District and Regional are a week apart.
·         1/29 & 1/30 - UIL DISTRICT MEET @ UT Swim Center
·         2/5 & 2/6 - UIL REGIONAL MEET @ The Woodlands Natatotrium
·         2/19 & 2/20 - UIL STATE MEET @ UT Swim Center
·        Request Sign up for Breakfast during winter break.
·        Yard Sign requests.
Meeting Adjourned
  • 6:30pm
Next Meeting:
    Please join us!
Ø  Date: 12/7/2015

Location: - B113 (Coach Foss's room).