Attendees: Coach Foss, Coach Carter, A. Vaughn, J. Hancock, D. Hess, M. Harris, A. Bogusch, C. Marvin, H. Freeman, D. Youngmann, D. Trevino, W. Bibb
Budget in good standing
estimated cost of banquet $2500. Booster club will pay for each swimmer's meal; other family members cost $18.00 per person.
Mrs. Bogusch needs to know where seniors are going to college before banquet to create senior displays.
Responsibilities for banquet:
Corinne and Kara will take care of
D'Anna will get balloons1. Cakes2. Decorations3. Centerpieces for the tables.
D'Anna & Debbie will take care of greeting/ check in table.
Ticket info will be sent out after spring break. Flyer will have tear off that can be returned to pre-purchase tickets and provide head count of how many are coming. Tickets must be bought in advance, no ticket sales at door. All attending will check in and have name on list to receive a ticket for food. If no food is desired, people can come watch for free, but that number needs to be included in head count in advance so there are appropriate number of seats.
Parents of seniors are encouraged to attend next Booster meeting (April 3rd) so that they can stay after a few minutes to ensure all plans are accounted for.
Water Polo tryouts this Thur. -20 will make the team
First tournament this Friday 03/10/17 at Micki Krebsbach pool
Girls: Fri 5;45 p.m. Sat. 8:00 a..m.
Boys: Sat. 8:45a.m. & 1:15 p,m,
Bond proposition 3 - Natatorim included!
Scrapbooks under construction
Meeting adjourned 6:50