Attendees: Coach Foss, Coach Carter, D. Hess, A. Vaughn, K. Mashburn, M. Harris, B. Gavin, D. Trevino, E. Buchanan, B. Bibb, .N. Bibb, J. Estes, J. Hancock, K. Shomper, H. Freeman, D. Beier,, N. Seifert
Agenda: Presentation of budget plans for the year and expenses.
District pays entry fees -
Approximately $10,500 expenses
Currently 39 families in Booster Club
43 team members -need $200 per swimmer
$860 left to be raised after booster club dues
Swim - a -thon fundraiser money due end of Oct. , $100 donation will get name printed on the back of the shirt.
Grades begin to effect eligibility.
Trojan meet this Friday, 10/06/17 at Waterloo swim center. Bus will be provided. Team dinner after meet.
All meets posted on website -see event information.
TISCA times good for 1 calendar year ( qualifying times on website.
$640.00 raised for Coach Dan .
6:32 p.m. Meeting adjourned.-