01-08-2018 6p.m.
Coach Foss, Coach Carter, D. Hess, M. Harris, D. Trevino, K. Shomper, A. Vaughn, H. Freeman, M. Pitkanen, B. Gavin, N. Bibb, E.Buchanan, J. Estes, N. Seifert
1. Financial report reviewed.
2. District dinner
1-25-18, graciously hosted by the Scrugg's family ( A. Vaughn will post food sign up with address.)
3. 1-26-18
District Meet, top 8 score, top 6 move to on Regions.
4. Regional Meet , Rockwell pool, Lewisville.Tx , 2-2 thru 2-3. Will leave Thurs. 2-1 for Lewisville.
Not all travel, will send some alternates for relays.
$7/meal provided for athletes.
5. 2 from each region move on to State Meet plus 16 "call up's". McNeil will provide 16 timers for State Meet for Day 1. ( based on grades and parent approval. )
6. Team banquet discussed in regard to possible places and dates- most likely in April on a week day.
7. Practices will remain the same until Regional meet, then A day study hall, B. day off.
8. Water Polo -B. days
Meeting adjourned -6:38 p.m.