Coach Foss, Coach Carter, B. Bibb, D. Trevino, K. Mashburn, A. Scruggs, A. Escherich, K. Shomper, D. Hess, J. Wilson, B. Wilson, E. Buchanan, S. Frangenberg, A. Frey, H. Freeman
1. Aggieland- charter bus was awesome! New annual tradition, 60 – 70 personal bests. Re-cap coming soon.
2. AISD this Friday. Itinerary soon. Students eat a good breakfast or pack one from home, use the “Mavs snack bag” at the meet , and bring $ for lunch after. Lunch is set up as a fundraiser for the team – Jason’s Deli, Freebirds, Menchie’s frozen yogurt. Details to follow.
3. TISCA – itinerary coming. Kids will be leaving early on the bus. Working on food/ places to eat in Lewisville. A, B, & C finals, A & B relays! TISCA charter bus- probably just us as we are taking close to 35 swimmers and Cedar Ridge plans on also taking more, therefore bus would be really crowded.
4. TISCA Breakfast – date change – Wednesday, Nov. 14. Needs to be on an A day so kids have time to sit down & eat. Anita Frey is hosting. Swimmers will arrive there close to 8:45 a.m. Sign up sheet from Jenny Estes coming soon.
5. Winter training – dates are in handbook. Please let Foss know if you are going to miss any days. If traveling, there probably is the option to jump in a pool with another club team.
6. Swim a Thon- goal – $10, 690.00, Money prior to meeting -$ 11,448.50 (GOAL MET!), $ collected tonight = $825.00 New Total raised – $ 12,273.50 !!!!! The intent of the money raised is to be used on this group of swimmers.
7. Mavs Flag – a team flag – BIG- on a pole. Foss is working with a company on designs & ideas.
8. Nominating committee- Kara Shomper has volunteered. Janet Wilson volunteered at the meeting. If interested, feel free to contact either of these parents. Next year, we will need a new president, vice president, and treasurer. All booster officers serve one year terms and can only be re-elected to serve two years max in a single position.
9. Team photo at the “Duck Pond” – November 27th. Anita, Kara & Heather will look into a way of getting a team pic in a frame to thank the businesses that have helped with our fundraising.
10. Districts - on Saturday, January 26 this year. Team dinner at Abigail Scrugg’s house will be Friday, January 25. Foss talked about no pressure on swimmers, particularly males, who get psyched and shave their heads together at the dinner. This is something to talk about in advance with your swimmer.(as January gets closer).
meeting adjourned 6:52 p.m.