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Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Mavs Swim & Dive Booster Club meeting Minutes – April 1, 2019

Attendees: Coach Foss, Coach Carter, M. Harris, D. Hess, H. Freeman, D. Trevino, E. Buchanan, J. Moran, C. Katzman, K. Shomper, J. Estes, A. Scruggs, A. Frey, AM. Escherich, J. Wilson, B. Bibb
1. Budget/ Balance review- treasurer (Hess): still on target to end year with about $2,500. District t-shirt monies are in/complete. State t-shirt monies are still being collected by Foss from swimmers who ordered shirts.
2. Foss had meeting with school personnel before spring break- Moving forward, booster money will be through the new website (probably swimtopia) and will be booster run and managed. Foss and Carter will be freed up to coach the swimmers. Emails to team could be sent through the website.Foss will likely set up a “remind 101” team account. Next year “Meet food”- swimmers will fill out detailed restaurant/ menu choice sheets at the beginning of the season and seniors will set meet/restaurant schedule well in advance.
Foss let swimmers know –no need to take an academic day this Tuesday or Wednesday for awards ceremonies. Most of team will be attending/ receiving awards. (High achievers!)
A days- pool. B days – weight room. This schedule will wrap up near the end of April.
3. Foss has asked RRISD Atheltic Director Dwayne Weirich about an extra lane (9th lane) for us to use/ purchase through Waterloo and has not heard back from him yet. Waterloo does have the lane available. The purpose of looking into this is so that Foss has the flexibility to “grow” the team with tryouts this summer and looking forward to graduating so many Mav seniors in 2020.
4. Officer nominations: President: Donna Trevino, Vice President: Heather Freeman, Treasurer: Joy Moran, Secretary: Anna Marie Escherich. Nominations are still being accepted. Please contact Kara Shomper or  Anita Frey. Nominations will also be taken from the floor the night of the banquet.
Meeting adjourned at 6:50.